A low boredom threshold combined with a rapacious curiosity has led Michael to photograph in outlandish locations with unpronounceable names. It has also led him into situations where his personality and diplomatic backpedaling have proved equally, if not more, valuable than his photographic skills.

An incongruous upbringing of being born and raised in Africa amidst the adrenaline rush of a civil war and then relocating to the drowsy Virginian countryside is tattooed in Michael’s photographic style. Quirky, dramatic and often contradictory, he is just as at ease with an assignment on death row in Texas as he is in the vast expanse of the Namib desert, curled up on his own by a campfire, taking photographs of the shadows and silhouettes surrounding him.

Clients have included many international publications such as Time, Newsweek, Forbes, Amnesty International, Art in Embassies and others.

Michael is based in Charlottesville, Virginia.



